Picture Framing: Aluminium & wood veneer frames
Our picture framing shop is legendary! We have a wide variety of Aluminium & wood veneer frames at Genie Imaging. A visit to our picture framing studio to choose the appropriate frame material for your custom framing solution is always a good idea. There you can see the full range of pictureor poster frames on offer and we can discuss the perfect framing solution for your wall art project. We hand make all our picture framing solutions to your specification.
So if you have an awkward shape or picture framing project that needs our picture framing skills, then we would be happy to help.
We always recommend an appointment prior to visiting. You can phone Genie Imaging on 0208 772 1700.

L9729 Aluwood Ash 6x23mm
L9719 Aluwood Walnut veneer 6x23mm
L9727 Aluwood White Painted oak 6x23mm
L9718 Aluwood Oak veneer 6x23mm
L9730 Aluwood Flint 6x23mm
L9731 Aluwood Slate 6x23mm
L9717 Aluwood Maple veneer 6x23mm
L9728 Aluwood Black 6x23mm